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This is a Free DBA filing Business Name

Businesses using a 
 Trade  name other than the owner's name are required to register a DBA /  Trade  

State law even requires you to operate your business under a filed    Trade Business Name even if a variation of your legal business name is used, and even if used for a short  time.

A   Trade Business Name is the same as a trade name.  It is the name of the business when officially registered with the government.

For example, you do business as  a sole proprietor using the business name  "Ultra AAA Company".   

The business name is called an   Fictitious Business Name, an Assumed Name, or  fictitious firm name (as in Nevada).  

In other states, it goes by a fictitious business name, as in California, and assumed business name in Texas or Business Name Certificate in New York etc.  

It is also known as Doing Business As ( DBA ) because a business is doing business as a certain name as in the example above.

Note that a DBA filing lasts 5 Years in California and 10 Years in Texas so it differs depending on the state you are in. 

You can obtain it here online.

In some cases, it can be obtained on the same day but normally it takes about 3-5 business days or if expedited can be done same day.  You will have the opportunity to choose expedited service when you check out.

Businesses using a name other than the owner's name are required to register a DBA /    Trade Business Name Certificate. Note that you can incorporate or form an LLC instead of filing a DBA. If you are an LLC or Corporation you don't need a dba.

We search  Legal Databases.  If you use a Trade business name that another business is already using, you may be sued for damages as well as for a judgment to be enjoined from using the business name.

Partnerships need a  Trade business  name and should Have a Partnership Operating Agreement to avoid costly disputes - If you obtain an LLC from our company, we provide the LLC operating agreement for free. If you have an LLC and need an operating agreement.

Trade Name

In some cases, it can be obtained on the same day but normally it takes about 3-5 business days or if expedited can be done same day.  You will have the opportunity to choose expedited service when you check out.

DBA Trade Name Fictitious Business Name - In most states we send a representative to your home or office to have it signed and notarized.

Filing takes an average of 3-5 Business Days - could take longer in some states.

Note that you can incorporate or form an LLC instead of filing a DBA. If you are an LLC or Corporation you don't need a dba.

Assumed Business Name ((DBA))

BusinessTaxID (Business Tax Registration)

Corporation (Corporation)

DBA (Doing Business As)


Fictitious Business Name ((DBA))

Fictitious Firm Name ((DBA))

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

ResellerTaxID (Seller's Permit)

StateID (State Tax ID EIN)

TaxIDNumber (TaxI D Number)

Trade Firm Name ((DBA))

Trade Name ((DBA))
